- Three third-year students have been assigned to our lab(update on 31/12/2024)
- Presentation in Korea(update on 08/11/2024)
- Held a symposium on herbicide-resistant weeds at TUAT.(update on 17/10/2024)
- Oral presentation at Resistance 2024(update on 29/09/2024)
- Honored to receive JST PRESTO grant(update on 20/09/2024)
- Poster presentation at Inamori Research Grants Presentation Ceremony(update on 22/05/2024)
- Best presentation award at WSSJ(update on 14/04/2024)
- Transferred to Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT)(update on 17/03/2024)
- Co-authored paper is published(update on 08/11/2023)
- Attended Cytochrome P450 Biodiversity & Biotechnology(update on 16/07/2023)
- Chen Kuiyuan (D1) is awarded with the SPRING Fellowship(update on 09/06/2023)
- Co-authored paper is now available as a preprint(update on 29/05/2023)
- Our paper was accepted in Plant Physiology(update on 25/05/2023)
- Tomomi was awarded the JSPS DC1 Fellowship for her PhD research(update on 02/05/2023)
- Best poster award at WSSJ (Hinata Ishizawa) (update on 18/04/2023)
- Anita Küpper visited us in Kyoto(update on 28/03/2023)
- Visited labs in the US(update on 12/03/2023)
- Our review article on cytochrome P450 is recognized as "Top Cited Article" in Pest Manag Sci 2021-2022(update on 22/02/2023)
- Co-authored paper received the "2023 Paper Award" from the Weed Science Society of Japan(update on 01/02/2023)
- Participated in an international conference held in Thailand (Tomomi Kubo received the Best Presentation Award)(update on 11/12/2022)
- Dr. Weitang Liu is staying with us in the lab(update on 01/12/2022)
- 卒業生Ninaさんのチオベンカーブ抵抗性機構に関する論文がWeed Scienceに受理されました(update on 20/01/2022)
- Selected as a fellow of the Program for the Development of Next-generation Leading Scientists with Global Insight (L-INSIGHT)(update on 01/10/2021)
- 共著の論文がWeed Biology and Management に受理されました。富山県立大 山口拓也 先生が責任著者のイネの除草剤代謝P450の論文です。(update on 13/07/2021)
- 卒業生谷垣さんのコナギの除草剤抵抗性進化についての論文がNew Phytologistに受理されました。(update on 03/07/2021)
- Homepage open(update on 01/07/2021)