Publications - Satoshi Iwakami

Original Paper

In English


  1. Kuljarusnont S, Iwakami S, Iwashina T, Tungmunnithum D. 2024 Flavonoids and other phenolic compounds for physiological roles, plant species delimitation, and medical benefits: A promising view. Molecules 29(22), 5351Link
  2. Iwakami S*, Ishizawa H, Sugiura K, Kashiwagi K, Oga T, Niwayama S, Uchino A*. 2024 Syntenic analysis of ACCase loci and target-site-resistance mutations in cyhalofop-butyl resistant Echinochloa crus-galli var. crus-galli in Japan. Pest Management Science 80(2):627-636 Link
  3. Sato M, Iwakami S*, Fukunishi K, Sugiura K, Yasuda K, Isobe S, Shirasawa K*. 2023 Telomere-to-telomere genome assembly of an allotetraploid pernicious weed, Echinochloa phyllopogon. DNA Research 30(5):dsad023Link プレスリリース
  4. Suda H, Kubo T, Yoshimoto Y, Tanaka K, Tanaka S, Uchino A, Azuma S, Hattori M, Yamaguchi T, Miyashita M, Tominaga T, Iwakami S*.2023 Transcriptionally linked simultaneous overexpression of P450 genes for broad-spectrum herbicide resistance. Plant Physiology 192(4):3017-3029 Link プレスリリース
  5. Ha W, Yamaguchi T*, Iwakami S, Sunohara Y, Matsumoto H. 2022. Comparison of herbicide specificity of CYP81A cytochrome P450s from rice and a multiple-herbicide resistant weed, Echinochloa phyllopogon. Pest Management Science 78(10):4207-4216 Link

  6. Nomura Y*, Shimono Y, Mizuno N, Miyoshi I, Iwakami S, Sato K, Tominaga T. 2022 Drastic shift in flowering phenology of F1 hybrids causing rapid reproductive isolation in Imperata cylindrica in Japan. Journal of Ecology. 110(7):1548-1560 Link
  7. Dimaano N, Tominaga T, Iwakami S*. 2022 Thiobencarb resistance mechanism is distinct from CYP81A-based cross-resistance in late watergrass (Echinochloa phyllopogon). Weed Science 70(2):160-166. Link
  8. Yamaguchi T*, Matsumura K, Iwakami S, Sunohara Y, Matsumoto H. 2021. Heterologous expression of CYP81A6 from rice (Oryza sativa) in Escherichia coli and structural analyses of bensulfuron-methyl metabolites. Weed Biology and Management 21(3):164-171. LinkBest paper award
  9. Tanigaki S, Uchino A, Okawa S, Miura C, Hamamura K, Matsuo M, Yoshino N, Ueno N, Toyama Y, Fukumi N, Kijima E, Masuda T, Shimono Y, Tominaga T, Iwakami S*. 2021. Gene expression shapes the patterns of parallel evolution of herbicide resistance in the agricultural weed Monochoria vaginalis. New Phytologist 232:928-940. Link
  10. Guo F, Endo M, Yamaguchi T, Uchino A, Sunohara Y, Matsumoto H, Iwakami S*. 2021. Investigation of clomazone-tolerance mechanism in a long-grain cultivar of rice. Pest Management Science 77(5): 2454-2461. Link
  11. Endo M*, Iwakami S, Toki S*. 2021. Precision genome editing in plants via gene targeting and subsequent break-induced single-strand annealing. Plant Biotechnology Journal 19(3): 563-574. Link
  12. Iwakami S*, Tanigaki S, Uchino A, Ozawa Y, Tominaga T, Wang GX. 2020. Characterization of the acetolactate synthase gene family in sensitive and resistant biotypes of two tetraploid Monochoria weeds, M. vaginalis and M. korsakowii. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 165: 104506. Link
  13. Chayapakdee P, Sunohara Y, Endo M, Yamaguchi T, Fan L, Uchino A, Matsumoto H, Iwakami S*. 2020. Quinclorac resistance in Echinochloa phyllopogon is associated with reduced ethylene synthesis rather than enhanced cyanide detoxification by beta-cyanoalanine synthase. Pest Management Science 76: 1195-1204. Link
  14. Dimaano NG, Yamaguchi T, Fukunishi K, Tominaga T, Iwakami S*. 2020. Functional characterization of cytochrome P450 CYP81A subfamily to disclose the pattern of cross-resistance in Echinochloa phyllopogon. Plant Molecular Biology 102(4-5): 403-416. Link
  15. Iwakami S*, Kamidate Y, Yamaguchi T, Ishizaka M, Endo M, Suda H, Nagai K, Sunohara Y, Toki S, Uchino A, Tominaga T, Matsumoto H. 2019. CYP81A P450s are involved in concomitant cross-resistance to acetolactate synthase and acetyl-CoA carboxylase herbicides in Echinochloa phyllopogon. New Phytologist 221(4): 2112-2122. Link
  16. Guo F, Iwakami S*, Yamaguchi T, Uchino A, Sunohara Y, Matsumoto H. 2019. Role of CYP81A cytochrome P450s in clomazone metabolism in Echinochloa phyllopogon. Plant Science 283: 321-328. Link
  17. Iwakami S*, Shimono Y, Manabe Y, Endo M, Shibaike H, Uchino A, Tominaga T. 2017. Copy number variation in acetolactate synthase genes of thifensulfuron-methyl resistant Alopecurus aequalis (shortawn foxtail) accessions in Japan. Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 254. Link
  18. Iwakami S, Hashimoto M, Matsushima K-i, Watanabe H, Hamamura K, Uchino A*. 2015. Multiple-herbicide resistance in Echinochloa crus-galli var. formosensis, an allohexaploid weed species, in dry-seeded rice. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 119: 1-8. Link
  19. Iwakami S, Endo M, Saika H, Okuno J, Nakamura N, Yokoyama M, Watanabe H, Toki S, Uchino A*, Inamura T. 2014. Cytochrome P450 CYP81A12 and CYP81A21 are associated with resistance to two acetolactate synthase inhibitors in Echinochloa phyllopogon. Plant Physiology 165(2): 618-629. Link
  20. Iwakami S, Uchino A*, Kataoka Y, Shibaike H, Watanabe H, Inamura T. 2014. Cytochrome P450 genes induced by bispyribac-sodium treatment in a multiple-herbicide resistant biotype of Echinochloa phyllopogon. Pest Management Science 70(4): 549-558. Link
  21. Saika H, Horita J, Taguchi-Shiobara F, Nonaka S, Nishizawa-Yokoi A, Iwakami S, Hori K, Matsumoto T, Tanaka T, Itoh T, Yano M, Kaku K, Shimizu T, Toki S*. 2014. A novel rice cytochrome P450 gene, CYP72A31, confers tolerance to acetolactate synthase-inhibiting herbicides in rice and Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 166(3): 1232-1240. Link
  22. Iwakami S, Watanabe H, Miura T, Matsumoto H, Uchino A*. 2014. Occurrence of sulfonylurea resistance in Sagittaria trifolia L., a basal monocot species, based on target-site and non-target-site resistance. Weed Biology and Management 14(1): 43-49. Link
  23. Iwakami S, Uchino A*, Watanabe H, Yamasue Y, Inamura T. 2012. Isolation and expression of genes for acetolactate synthase and acetyl-CoA carboxylase in Echinochloa phyllopogon, a polyploid weed species. Pest Management Science 68(7): 1098-1106. Link

In Japanese

  1. Okuno J, Iwakami S, Uchino A, Tsuchida K, Yokoyama M. 2015. Responses to halosulfuron-methyl and flazasulfuron and mutation of acetolactate synthase gene of Cyperus brevifolius survived in turf grass on golf course. Journal of Japanese Society of Turfgrass Science 43(2): 159-162. [in Japanese] Link
  2. Matsuda A, Iwakami S, Aoki D, Uchino A. 2017. Mutations of acetolactate synthase gene and response of sulfonylurea-resistant biotypes of Sagittaria trifolia L. to several herbicides in Yamagata, Japan. Journal of Weed Science and Technology 62(3): 117-125. [in Japanese] Link

Review Paper

In English

  1. Dimaano NG, Iwakami S*. 2021. Cytochrome P450-mediated herbicide metabolism in plants: current understanding and prospects. Pest Management Science 77(1): 22-32. Link  Top Cited Article in 2021-2022
  2. Nandula VK*, Riechers DE, Ferhatoglu Y, Barrett M, Duke SO, Dayan FE, Goldberg-Cavalleri A, Tétard-Jones C, Wortley DJ, Onkokesung N, Brazier-Hicks M, Edwards R, Gaines T, Iwakami S, Jugulam M, Ma Rong. 2019. Herbicide metabolism: crop selectivity, bioactivation, weed resistance, and regulation. Weed Science 67(02): 149-175. Link

In Japanese

  1. 岩上哲史. 2022. DXS阻害剤クロマゾンのイネにおける品種間感受性差. 植調 56:3-7.
  2. 岩上哲史. 2020. コナギとミズアオイのALS遺伝子の特徴. 植調 54:2-7.
  3. 岩上哲史. 2018. 米国産タイヌビエにおける多剤抵抗性機構の解明に向けて. 日本農薬学会誌 43:40-45. Link
  4. 岩上哲史. 2018, 雑草の除草剤抵抗性メカニズム-除草剤の解毒代謝による抵抗性-. 九州の雑草 47: 30-32.
  5. 岩上哲史. 2018, 除草剤抵抗性に関して. 植調 52: 21.
  6. 岩上哲史. 2016. 数種水田雑草における除草剤非作用点抵抗性の分子機構に関する研究. 雑草研究 60:169-173. Link
  7. 岩上哲史. 2015. 多剤抵抗性タイヌビエの除草剤抵抗性メカニズム. 植調 48:425-430.
  8. 岩上哲史. 2015. ヒエ属水田雑草の除草剤抵抗性. 農業および園芸 90:147-153. Link
  9. 内野彰, 岩上哲史. 2014. シハロホップブチル抵抗性ヒメタイヌビエにおける多除草剤抵抗性と有効な除草剤. 中国・四国雑草研究会会報 10-14.
  10. 内野彰, 岩上哲史. 2014. 水田雑草におけるスルホニルウレア系除草剤抵抗性の出現とその生態. 日本農薬学会誌 39:58-62. Link
  11. 内野彰, 岩上哲史. 2014. 水田雑草のALS阻害剤抵抗性-抵抗性の機構と個体群動態-. 東北の雑草 13: 1-7.
  12. 内野彰, 岩上哲史. 2013. 水田雑草における除草剤抵抗性研究の現状. 雑草と作物の制御 9:3-6. Link


  1. Nomura Y, Shimono Y, Mizuno N, Miyoshi I, Iwakami S, Sato K, Tominaga T. 2020. Drastic shift in flowering phenology, an instant reproductive isolation mechanism, explains the population structure of Imperata cylindrica in Japan. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2020.06.30.179440
  2. Tanigaki S, Uchino A, Okawa S, Miura C, Hamamura K, Matsuo M, Yoshino N, Ueno N, Toyama Y, Fukumi N, Kijima E, Masuda T, Shimono Y, Tominaga T, Iwakami S*. 2021. Gene expression shapes the patterns of parallel evolution of herbicide resistance in the agricultural weed Monochoria vaginalis. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2021.03.10.434542
  3. Suda H, Yoshimoto Y, Kubo T, Tanaka K, Tanaka S, Yamaguchi T, Miyashita M, Tominaga T, Iwakami S*. 2022. Simultaneous overexpression of multiple herbicide-metabolizing genes for broad-spectrum resistance in an agricultural weed Echinochloa phyllopogon. bioRxiv doi:
  4. Sato PM, Iwakami S,* Fukunishi K, Sugiura K, Yasuda K,  Isobe S,  Shirasawa K*. Telomere-to-telomere genome assembly of an allotetraploid pernicious weed, Echinochloa phyllopogon. bioRxiv doi:

Book Chapter

In English

  1. Iwakami S, Uchino A* 2017. Herbicide Resistant Weeds in Rice of the Asian-Pacific Region: Characteristics, Mechanism and Management of Resistance. In: Rao AN, Matsumoto H eds. Weed Management in Rice in the Asian-Pacific Region. Maharajpur, Jabalbur, M.P.: Indian Society of Weed Science, 105-126.

In Japanese

  1. 岩上哲史. 2018. 化学生態型の進化-雑草の除草剤抵抗性のメカニズム-.山口裕文監修, 宮浦理恵, 松嶋賢一, 下野嘉子編集. 「雑草学入門」, 講談社, 札幌, pp.249-261.